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Doyle’s Guide Recognition and Upcoming Seminars ||| MTECC News Edition 20.04

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Doyle’s Guide Recognition

MTECC is proud to announce that 12 of its members have been recognised in this week’s Doyles’ Guide publications, Leading Construction & Infrastructure Senior Counsel – Victoria and Leading Construction & Infrastructure Junior Counsel – VictoriaCongratulations to:

In the leading category: 

  • Hugh Foxcroft QC
  • Dr Richard Manly QC
  • Geraldine Gray

In the recommended category:

  • David Levin QC
  • Tim Margetts QC
  • Martin Scott QC
  • Francis Tiernan QC
  • Jeremy Twigg QC
  • Andrew Downie
  • Alexandra Golding
  • Roman Rozenberg
  • Bill Stephenson

Congratulations also to Benjamin Whitten for his inclusion in Doyles Guide’s Leading Construction & Infrastructure Junior Counsel – Queensland

Profiles on each of MTECC’s barristers is available on MTECC’s website:


Expert Panel to Review Victoria’s Building System

The Victorian Minister for Planning, Housing and Multicultural Affairs has recently announced an expert panel to review Victoria’s building system and provide recommendations on how the Building Act can be amended to be more efficient. 

The expert panel will consider, among other things, the recommendations of the Victorian Cladding Taskforce’s July 2019 Reports, and includes MTECC’s own Professor Ian Bailey SC. 

More information on the expert panel can be found here.


Upcoming Seminars

There are a number of upcoming seminars that may be of interest to our subscribers: 

  • On 16 March 2020 Toby Shnookal QC is presenting on the the new Resolution Institute arbitration rules. More information can be found on the Resolution Institute’s website, available here.
  • On 19 March 2020 the Melbourne Chapter of the Lighthouse Club will be hosting a panel discussion on tunnelling, featuring a variety of speakers involved in tunnelling projects throughout Australia.  More information can be found on the Lighthouse Club’s website available here.


MTECC Breakfast Seminar

We would like to remind all of our subscribers who have RSVP’d to MTECC’s  inaugural breakfast seminar that it is on next Wednesday, 11 March 2020 from 7:30am to 9:00am at Krimper Cafe, 20 Guildford Lane, Melbourne. 

The seminar will feature presentations by Nicholas Gallina (speaking on the High Court’s decision in Mann v Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd) and Andrew Downie (speaking on recent developments in limitation periods in building disputes) and will be chaired by Hugh Foxcroft QC. 

If you are no longer able to attend, please email for catering purposes. 


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