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Dr Donald Charrett & Cherie Holland (2013) 25(6) Australian Construction Law Bulletin 101. A previous paper[1] outlined the significant changes in work health and safety (WHS) legislation in Australia since 2011. That paper discussed in general terms that one of the significant developments In the new harmonised Work Health and Safety Act (the Act) and

8 September 2013  Andrew P. Downie Facts Mr Vella and Mr Caradonna entered into a joint venture and opened a joint bank account for the venture. They attended upon Mr Vella’s solicitors and took possession of certificates of title to 3 of Mr Vella’s properties. At a later time, Mr Caradonna, without the knowledge of

The Art of the Forensic Engineer

Wednesday, 04 September 2013 by

Dr Donald Charrett Paper delivered at the Fifth Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Capetown September 2013; Zingoni (ed), Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation 2341. The first part of the paper discusses the role of the forensic engineer in investigating and determining the causes of structural failures, and how that role differs

Albert Monichino SC (2013) 8(3) Construction Law International. In an article published in the March 2012 edition of this journal, John Digby KC (now the Hon Justice Digby of the Supreme Court of Victoria) posed the question: ‘Is Australia unfriendly to arbitration?’ The question was posed in the light of the Victorian Court of Appeal’s

Andrew P. Downie This article analyses and considers the significance of the decision of Hunt & Hunt Lawyers v Mitchell Morgan Nominees Pty Ltd [2013] HCA 10. The decision gives direction on whether a person, who caused a plaintiff to suffer loss or damage, is a ‘concurrent wrongdoer’ and therefore may be entitled to have

Michael Whitten CPD Presentation to the Commercial Bar Association, Victorian Bar. Over the past several decades, performance securities have become a common and critical part of commercial dealings throughout Australia and around the world. While they feature across the panoply of transactions from sale of goods (domestic and international) to commercial leases, and surface in


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