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Dr Donald Charrett (2013) 16(4) IHC 59; (2013) 25(3) ACLB 59 Key Points · “Full term” Dispute Boards in Australia using “without prejudice” processes have been very effective in avoiding disputes. · Dispute Boards can also provide a quick and cost effective method of ADR. · These dispute resolution capabilities can also be used by

28 February 2013  Albert Monichino SC In Built Environs Pty Ltd v Saunders International Ltd [2012] SASC 111, White J of the Supreme Court of South Australia refused to adopt an arbitral award in a court-referred arbitration in a dispute concerning upgrade works at Olympic Dam in South Australia. This was because the arbitrator’s Award

Dr Donald Charrett (2013) 1 ICLR 88. The argument about what is the “best” method of resolution of construction disputes has been a topic of discussion at recent construction law conferences, if perhaps somewhat tongue-in-cheek.   The paper suggests some criteria that may make the search for the “best” method of DR for a particular

Albert Monichino SC IAMA Expert Evidence Seminar October 2012 This paper was presented at the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia “Expert Evidence Fundamentals: Tips and Traps” Seminar on 8 October 2012. It provides an overview of the laws and rules in respect of adducing expert evidence in civil cases and commercial arbitrations. It also

David Levin KC & Luke Stanistreet (2012) 28.6 BCL 388. In 470 St Kilda Road Pty Ltd v Reed Constructions Australia Pty Ltd, Vickery J had the courage to dissent from his own earlier view. In dismissing the proceeding and declaring the adjudication determination valid under s 1 of the Building and Construction Industry Security

4 December 2012  David Levin QC In an article published in 2009 [1] I explored the vexed question of whether the various proportionate liability regimes established under Commonwealth and State laws applied to arbitrations conducted under the various Commercial Arbitration Acts (CAAs).  I suggested that at some time it would be determined that proportionate liability


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