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Thursday, 06 February 2020 by

An adjudicator determined that Cockram, as subcontractor to Fulton Hogan, was entitled to be paid $8,307,337.72 in respect of extensions of time. In defence of the claim, Fulton Hogan relied upon clause 22(1)(e) of the subcontract, which provided as a pre-condition to entitlement to an extension of time, that the contractor (Fulton Hogan) had received

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE COLLAPSE At approximately 1:40am on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 a section of the roof of the Lane Cove Tunnel collapsed, an unravelling failure ensued and the collapse propagated through a height of 17m to the surface forming a sinkhole that undermined the front section of Kerslake Apartments (Figure 1). The collapse

Insuring Risk in Construction Projects

Tuesday, 03 September 2019 by

THE NEED FOR INSURANCE Construction projects are inherently risky in terms of cost, time and quality. The parties therefore typically seek to contractually allocate these risks between them. The result of this allocation of risk and the application of the Abrahamson principles1 is that the risks are pushed downwards to the design consultants and subcontractors.

“Lacrosse” decision on ACPs

Thursday, 29 August 2019 by

Introduction On 28 February 2019, Woodward J, a judge of the County Court of Victoria and the Vice President of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal published reasons for decision in the matter of Owners Corporation No 1 of PS613436T v LU Simon Builders Pty Ltd,1 otherwise known as “Lacrosse”. Lacrosse is the name of

SOCLA Presentation – Defects in large scale construction projects – MW and AD: Download

ACP Cladding Issues Update : Download


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