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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Amy Hando Barrister
LLB BBus (Accounting)


Amy practices primarily in commercial, commercial fraud, construction and maritime law.


Before coming to the Bar, Amy was the Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Croft of the Supreme Court of Victoria, where she assisted his Honour on a broad range of complex commercial matters, including matters of taxation and arbitration.


Prior to her time at the Court, Amy worked at Robertson Hyetts in Bendigo. Her diverse practice was primarily commercial litigation which involved disputes relating to contractual matters, building and construction, banking and finance as well as a range of other areas.


Amy has experience working on large scale superior Court litigation, as well as mediation. She is frequently briefed in the following areas of law:


  • banking and finance;
  • building and construction;
  • commercial arbitration;
  • commercial fraud and white collar crime;
  • property and leasing law;
  • regulatory investigations and prosecutions;
  • shipping and maritime law; and
  • sports law – integrity and governance.


Amy has significant experience in running matters, including trials, electronically.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Phone: (03) 9225 6777


Clerk list: List Y

Clerk phone: (03) 9225 6777

Admission year: 2014

Bar roll year: 2018


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