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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Andrew Blair Barrister
B. A., LL. B. (Hons) (USyd)


Andrew is a commercial barrister specialising in building and construction, and domestic building disputes. He accepts briefs in matters relating to building and construction, including security of payment disputes, domestic building disputes, and general commercial matters.


He regularly appears in a variety of jurisdictions, from the Victorian Supreme Court and the Federal Court of Australia to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.


His practice also encompasses alternative dispute resolution including both as an NMAS accredited mediator and also appearing in commercial arbitrations and mediations.


Formerly a full time logistics officer in the Royal Australian Air Force before his law career, Andrew continues to serve in the RAAF reserve, now as a legal officer.


He graduated from the University of Sydney law school with first class honours.


Andrew is a member of the Society of Construction Law Australia, and also the Building Dispute Practitioners Society.


Recent appearances the subject of published decisions include:


  • Rudyard Pty Ltd v ASEA1 Pty Ltd [2019] VCC 1995 – a contested application for summary determination of a claimant’s entitlement to a debt said to be due pursuant to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002;


  • Zhou Enterprises Pty Ltd v Rofael & Ors [2019] VCC 1506 – a third party costs application;


  • Jolen Holdings Pty Ltd v Bella Barista Pty Ltd (derigistered) & Ors [2018] VSC 548 – an application for summary dismissal of an application for leave to appeal;


  • QBH Commercial Enterprises Pty Ltd v Dalle Projects Pty Ltd (No. 2) [2018] VSC 231 – an application for the learned judge to recuse himself from the proceeding;


  • P & JM De Leo Pty Ltd v Alphonso [2017] VSC 786 – an appeal from a VCAT decision at first instance relating to a domestic building dispute;


  • Radojevic v JDA Design Group Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 554 – an application for judicial review of a refusal by a magistrate to make an order to stay a proceeding pursuant to section 57 of the Domestic Building Contracts Act;


  • Elmarraoui v Building Practitioners Board (Review and Regulation) [2017] VCAT 150 – an application for review of a decision of the Building Practioners Board


  • Alphonso v P & JM De Leo Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1459 – a domestic building contract dispute


  • Pendrigh v Australian Bight Abalone Ltd & Ors (unreported judgement of the VSC, 13 August 2014) – an application to set aside summary judgment


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Phone: 03 9225 7666 / 9225 8450

Fax: +61 3 9225 8450


Clerk list: List C

Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7666

Admission year: 2008

Bar roll year: 2014


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