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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Bill Stephenson Barrister

Bill accepts briefs in commercial matters, with a particular focus on building and construction, insolvency and consumer law litigation.  He is listed in Doyle’s Guide as a Recommended Construction and Infrastructure Junior Counsel in Victoria for 2020.


Bill’s experience includes acting on:


  • complex Supreme Court construction litigation involving over 800 defect allegations concerning an industrial plant (led by Jeff Gleeson QC, Rob Craig SC; Roman Rozenberg and Grant Lubofsky); 
  • multiple judicial review proceedings challenging adjudicators’ determinations pursuant to security of payment legislation (led by Chris Young SC);  
  • County Court proceedings involving allegations of defective concreting works, alleged misleading or deceptive conduct associated with property transactions, and applications for summary judgment pursuant to security of payment legislation (unled, ongoing);
  • VCAT proceedings involving allegations of defective works (ranging from small domestic building disputes to large, multi-unit, property developments), review of insurance decisions, and consumer law litigation concerning alleged breaches of consumer guarantees; and
  • insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, including applications to set aside statutory demands, winding up applications, and debt enforcement. 

Before joining the bar, Bill worked at the Supreme Court of Victoria as an associate to Justice Sloss where he assisted in the hearing and conduct of complex commercial disputes involving insolvency, bankruptcy, banking, consumer protection and property law.


Bill also practised for two years as a solicitor at MolinoCahill Lawyers, a specialist law firm providing legal advice to clients involved in the construction, infrastructure, technology, defence, and energy and resource sectors.  During his time at MolinoCahill, Bill assisted in large scale Supreme Court and Federal Court litigation, as well as mediation, related to the construction of road, rail and pipeline infrastructure.


Bill holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne, where he graduated in the top 10% of his class.  He also spent one semester at Georgetown University Law Center where he studied international commercial litigation, international private law, and international arbitration.  


Bill is also a member of the Society of Construction Law Australia, the Building Dispute Practitioners Society, and the Melbourne Technology, Engineering and Construction Chambers (MTECC).  He read with Rob Craig SC and his senior mentor is Nicholas Hopkins QC. 


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.


Phone: (03) 9225 6792

Mobile: 0418 352 047


Clerk list: List D

Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7999

Admission year: 2016

Bar roll year: 2018


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