B.Sc.(Computer Science), LL.B.(Hons), MCIArb, NMAS
David has an extensive technology and business background and holds degrees in both Computer Science and Law (with honours) from Monash University. Prior to entering the legal profession, David was the Managing Director of a respected strategic and Information Technology consulting business utilising a diverse range of technologies and working with clients of all sizes across a wide range of industry and community sectors, including finance, cash logistics, public transport, emergency services, health, research & development, mergers & acquisitions, and telecommunications. Prior to becoming a barrister, he was a Judge’s Associate in the County Court.
Drawing on his “hands-on” experience, David has an ability to efficiently understand the technical and practical circumstances of his clients. He can communicate effectively with engineers, scientists, IT and other specialists as well as corporate management and board level members. He brings all of his past experience as a respected Consultant to his legal practice, and seeks to resolve matters on sound commercial terms. He has a general commercial and cybercrime practice, including technology, employment and intellectual property law.
David is a member of the Barnet/JADE IT Expert Panel, and the Victorian Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee. He is a nationally accredited mediator and an accredited arbitrator.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.
Phone: +61 3 9225 6108
Mobile: +61 411 102 662
Fax: +61 3 9225 8485
Email: sanders@vicbar.com.auClerk list: List B
Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7222