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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Dr Donald Charrett Barrister, Arbitrator & Mediator
BE (Hons); LLB (Hons); MConst Law; PhD; FIE Aust; MIAMA

Donald Charrett


Melbourne TEC Chambers
Foley’s List, 205 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Chancery 26 reception: +61 3 8600 1777
Fax: +61 3 8660 2842


Dr Charrett is a barrister, arbitrator and mediator, practising in technology, engineering and construction (TEC) disputes. Prior to joining the Victorian Bar, he worked as a solicitor at a large Australian law firm. His construction law briefs have included litigation, mediation, expert determination, facilitation of experts’ conferences, arbitration and membership of dispute boards. He is a member of the FIDIC president’s list of adjudicators, a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an accredited FIDIC trainer and he was named as Best Construction Law Practitioner, Australia 2016 by Business Worldwide Magazine.


Prior to becoming a lawyer, he worked as an engineer for over 30 years, including 12 years as a director of a consulting engineering firm. Dr Charrett’s engineering experience included computer applications, structural design, managing engineering projects, acting as an expert witness and management roles in contract negotiation and administration, insurance, international joint ventures and corporate restructuring. From 2012 to 2014 he was non-executive chairman of consulting engineering company AMOG.


Dr Charrett has published widely on legal and engineering subjects, and presented conference papers, workshops and training courses in Australia and internationally. His legal publications include articles on expert evidence, FIDIC contracts, dispute boards, dispute avoidance, contract risk, forensic engineering, contractual lessons from past projects, design and construct contracts,quantum meruit, solidary liability, professional indemnity insurance and reinsurance. He is joint author of Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts.


In 2014 Dr Charrett established Loots&Charrett Pty Ltd with Philip Loots to conduct training courses on the application and use of contracts in the inception, design, construction and operation of projects.


WWL says: Donald Charrett at Melbourne TEC chambers is “a highly rated practitioner” with considerable experience acting in contentious matters in the construction and engineering industry


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.


Chancery 26 reception: +61 3 8600 1777

Mobile: +61 419 950 000

Fax: +61 3 8660 2842


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