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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Fabian Brimfield Barrister


Fabian specialises in construction, commercial and property disputes.


Fabian maintains a busy superior court and tribunal practice acting on behalf of builders, property developers, property owners, architects, engineers and other licensed tradespeople.


Fabian regularly appears in the Building & Property list in VCAT, and the Technology, Engineering and Construction lists of both the Supreme Court of Victoria and the County Court of Victoria.


Fabian has particular expertise in advising on the liability and contribution of third parties to building disputes.


Fabian maintains chambers in both Melbourne and Hobart, is a member of the Tasmanian Bar and regularly appears in all Tasmanian courts, in both building and commercial matters. Prior to joining the bar in Victoria, Fabian was an associate at a large Tasmanian firm (and instructed in the Romero v Farstad Shipping Federal Court litigation). As a solicitor, Fabian appeared as a counsel on a weekly basis before the Supreme, Magistrates and Federal Courts in Hobart. Fabian commenced his career at the bar by conducting a jury trial (unled) in a Supreme Court within the first month of his call. Fabian was also an associate to international arbitrator and the founder of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Dr Michael Pryles AO. Fabian was a founding board member of the Refugee Legal Service (Tas). In March 2019 Fabian was a finalist in the Lawyers’ Weekly 30 under 30 awards in the barrister category.


Fabian read with Tony Horan in 2018, and has been a member of the Svenson Barristers list commitee since 2019.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Phone: +61 3 9225 7333


Clerk list: List S

Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7333

Admission year: 2014

Bar roll year: 2018


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