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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Jim Stavris Barrister & Mediator
LLB (Monash); GDLP (ANU)


Jim Stavris accepts briefs in all matters involving technical, engineering and construction disputes. Jim qualified as an A Grade electrician in 1987 and subsequently gained qualifications in refrigeration and air conditioning. His work experience in the Building and Construction industry coupled with an extensive legal practice provides for sound advice and representation for most TEC disputes. Jim is a Nationally Accredited mediator conducting and appearing in mediations.


Some examples of projects undertaken in the Building and Construction Industry include:


Manufacture and installation of type tested electrical switchboards to Australian Standards including Form 3 Appendix E unlimited arc fault containment.


Manufacture and installation of blast freezing tunnels, chambers and cold rooms to minus 45 degrees Celsius.


Manufacture of HACCAP certified food-processing facilities, temperature controlled storage facilities, transport terminals and produce markets.


Automation of factory processes and manufacturing.


General Electrical and Refrigeration contracting.


Some examples of legal matters Jim has been briefed in include:


Supreme Court of Victoria – Construction dispute involving Security of Payments and expert adjudication.


County Court of Victoria – Construction dispute involving a pipeline construction for BHP in Port Headland, Western Australia.


County Court of Victoria – Construction dispute involving a failed roadway and paving in a shopping mall.


Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane – Engineering dispute regarding misrepresentation in the sale of a Refrigeration contracting business.


Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal – Engineering dispute involving leaking high-pressure hoses used in the refrigeration industry.


Local Court of New South Wales at Sydney -Construction dispute regarding air conditioning unit manufacture and supply alleged defects.


VCAT – Construction dispute involving the construction of a 100 sq. home. Counterclaim and defects alleged. Two experts. Engineering dispute concerning the manufacture of a Mango Grading Machine situated in Darwin, NT.


Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne – Construction dispute involving a vibrating concrete batching plant causing subsidence in the foundations of an adjoining building. Multiple experts.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.


Phone: +61 3 9225 6319

Fax: +61 3 9225 8686


Clerk list: List M

Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7444

Admission year: 2008

Bar roll year: 2011


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