Construction, Engineering and Technology disputes
Michael has a broad commercial practice with particular expertise in construction, engineering and technology disputes.
Michael is regularly briefed to:
- appear in and give advice in relation to commercial building and domestic building disputes; and
- appear and give advice in respect of disputes under the Building and
Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2001 (Vic).
Prior to coming to the Bar, Michael was a Solicitor at Lander & Rogers Lawyers in the Insurance team, in particular working on disputes arising out of a significant infrastructure failure. Prior to Lander and Rogers, Michael was a Solicitor with TressCox Lawyers in the Building and Construction team.
Michael is a co-author of the 5th Edition of Brookings on Building Contracts.
Michael is a member of the Building Dispute Practitioner Society and the Society of Construction Lawyers Australia.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Phone: +61 3 9229 5021
Mobile: +61 408 151 104
Fax: +61 3 9229 5050
Email: list: List F
Clerk phone: (03) 9225 7777