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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
S. Benjamin Whitten Junior Counsel
LLB (QUT), LLM (Com)


Having graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in 1993 after 5 years articles in North Queensland, Ben practised as a litigation lawyer from 1994 before being first called to the Bar in 1999. 


Ben holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Laws majoring in commercial law.  He practises in all aspects of commercial and insurance litigation, with special interests in matters involving technology, construction and engineering issues, consistent with Ben’s history before being called to the law.  Ben provides down to earth, practical and effective advice and advocacy in collaboration with instructing solicitors and in-house counsel in all types of commercial and insurance litigation.


Having practised both as a solicitor and as a barrister Ben has gained considerable practical experience in representing companies, business and individuals in mediations and in interlocutory, trial and appeal hearings in all levels of civil courts and tribunals in Queensland, as well as in hearings in the Federal Court and in the Supreme Court of his birth State of Victoria.


Ben is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Association of Australia (commercial law), a member of the Resolution Institute (ADR), the Australian Restructuring and Insolvency Turnaround Association (commercial and insolvency law), the Australian Insurance Law Association (insurance law), the Society of Construction Law of Australia (construction law), the Building Dispute Practitioners Society, and an interstate member of the Melbourne Technology Engineering and Construction Chambers (TEC law). 


Ben has presented for the Queensland Bar Practice course, the QUT Legal Practice course and Queensland Law Society seminars, chaired LexisNexis seminars and judged Griffith University evidence law moots. Ben regularly mentors law students, and in his free time enjoys casual time with family and friends, music, surfing and following rugby, AFL and cricket.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.


Phone: +61 7 3211 0110

Mobile: +61 419 669 993


Clerk list: 35 West Chambers

Clerk phone: (07) 3211 0053

Admission year: 1994

Bar roll year: 2015


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