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Jim MJ Aslan

by Website Administrator

It is with great pleasure, honour and pride that I write this personal reference for Ms Laina Chan Barrister. I was fortunate  to have Ms Chan represent me as senior Barrister in my Appeal matter in the New South Wales Court of Appeal in the Supreme Court of NSW in November 2021, in Aslan v Stepanoski [2022] NSWCA, Ms Chan worked extremely hard with her Junior Barrister Mr Kunal Sharma on my case on a Pro Bono basis through the New South Wales Bar Pro Bono Scheme, and delivered a life changing outcome for me personally and my family by winning my Appeal case in February 2022.

Ms Chan professionally and sincerely fought for me and successfully persuaded the 3 Honourable Appeal Court Judges to overturn a $2.7m judgement against me in the lower Court for restitution and damages for consequential loss, and helped secure a $50,000 judgement for me for unpaid invoice plus all my legal costs for my appeal and for the trial case that went on for over 6 years prior in the lower Court.

Ms Chan saved my life and livelihood in many ways, I was on the verge of bankruptcy if it was not for Ms Chan who barracked for me, believed in me and defended my case, and turned my whole life around. I cannot thank her enough and I’m extremely grateful to her and sincerely forever indebted to her for her amazing efforts and hard work, her dedication to her honourable profession, her honesty and strong belief in me and in my case that it was a just case, and for her belief in herself and persistence in making sure justice is served and the truth triumph.


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