What Corporate Counsel Need to Know About Engaging Forensic Engineers
01/06/12 Dr Donald Charrett & Dr Andrew Potts (2012) V15 No 19 International In-House Counsel Journal 1
This paper outlines the services that forensic engineers can provide, and emphasizes the importance of their early and appropriate selection and engagement by the relevant legal team. A distinction is made between the roles of “clean” and “dirty” experts, and the need to clearly define the desired role to be undertaken by the expert. The responsibilities of corporate counsel in ensuring that appropriate information and support is provided to forensic engineers are highlighted. Examples are given from some case studies. The issues of the time and cost of forensic engineering services are discussed in the context of how these can be appropriately managed by corporate counsel. The tools available to forensic engineers to manage and report on their activities are noted, with particular reference to “CTRs” – schedules of the cost, time and resources required for the defined scope of the identifiable components of the required tasks.
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