The work has been done, but was there a contract in place?
Monday, 15 April 2013
by Andrew Laird
Andrew Laird (2013) 8.1 CLInt 34 Time pressures on construction and engineering projects are relentless. Contractual negotiations sometimes continue even as the first sod needs to be turned. Normally contracts are formally executed at some point but sometimes they are not. Often a lack of formal execution evaporates as an issue because both parties acknowledge
- Published in Construction Contracts
The cannon shot rule
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
by Andrew Laird
Andrew Archer The cannon shot rule generally defined the limit of 3 nautical miles. However, the Scandinavians claimed four nautical miles on the basis of superior cannon – which caused some consternation. Back in the sixteenth century, the father of international law and freedom of the seas, Grotius, acknowledged the existence of a sovereign State’s
- Published in Miscellaneous Issues