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Paper and power point presented at MTECC Melbourne seminar on 3 June 2015. Further information can be downloaded: Download

Power power presentation given at MTECC seminar in Melbourne on 3 June 2015. Further information can be downloaded: Download

3 June 2015. Paper and power point presented at MTECC Melbourne seminar on 3 June 2015. Download

Powerpoint presented at MTECC Melbourne seminar on 3 June 2015. Download

Why Arbitrate ?

Wednesday, 03 June 2015 by

Power point presentation given at MTECC seminar in Melbourne on 3 June 2015. Further information can be downloaded: Download

The construction industry covers a vast collection of issues and is always subject to the potential for dispute, just like any other industry. Here, as part of Lawyer Monthly’s Specialist Advocate feature, we turn our attention to the Australian construction sector by speaking to Dr Donald Charrett, a barrister practising in construction law, and an


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